How to Answer "Why Should We Hire You?" in an Interview

"What do I do when I'm in an interview, and they say, 'Tell us why we should hire you'?"

Facing the question, "Why should we hire you?" in an interview can be daunting, but it’s a golden opportunity to shine. Here's how to tackle it:

  1. Start with Humility and Honesty

    Be humble and honest at the start. The fact is, you don't have the slightest clue about the other interviewees, so don't go saying something like, "I'm better than your other candidates because..."

    Note, though: humility is not the same as self-deprecation. So, no need to add a bunch of prefacing, and I wouldn’t recommend downgrading yourself.

  2. Share Your “Hero” Story

    This is where you captivate your interviewer. Prepare a story ahead of time that highlights an instance of when you took the initiative to solve a significant problem, save a project, or exceed expectations. Your story should demonstrate your skills, resourcefulness, and how you can bring value to the team.

    Interviewers LOVE to hear about how the candidate in front of us took the initiative to save an account, a professional relationship, a deal, etc. A well-crafted hero story leaves a lasting impression, showcasing you as a proactive and capable candidate.

(Hat tip to Liz Ryan for the "hero story" term.)


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Founder & CEO of twrk. Proud human to multiple rescue animals.

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