How to Answer “What’s Your Greatest Weakness?”

The “What’s your greatest weakness?” question is quite possibly the single most dreaded question during an interview. It’s important that, when answering this question, you are able to put a positive spin on potentially sore subjects.


So, let’s tackle this together: “What is your greatest weakness?”

Incorrect Response

"I care too much."

Stronger Response

"I sometimes spend too much time on tasks that I really care about, but I’ve been working on this by setting timers for myself."

Why It Matters

The first response is incredibly cliché. It will seem that you don’t have insight into areas where you could improve. Nobody is perfect, and Response #1 makes it seem like you think you’re flawless.

And that’s a big red flag.

Employers want people who are introspective and honest. It comes across as inauthentic if you are unable to pinpoint a weakness for yourself because we all have weaknesses.

Response #2 gives a specific weakness, and then you can give it a positive spin by discussing a particular fix that you’re trying to implement in order to curb your weakness.

It also shows that you take initiate to improve upon yourself, which employers love.

The Formula

The formula for responding to “What’s your greatest weakness?” is as follows:

I sometimes[insert weakness here; it has to be a real weakness], BUT I have been [insert action you’re undertaking to overcome or improve upon the weakness here].

So, now you have a plan for this question before heading into any interview.

When you have adequately prepared for this question, it will help you feel confident about the interview as a whole.


Founder & CEO of twrk. Proud human to multiple rescue animals.

Beyond the Positive Spin


Interview Tips for Every Generation