Top Resume Mistakes to Avoid and How to Fix Them

An average of only 6 - 8 seconds is spent looking at a resume. You want it to attract the reader (a.k.a. the hiring manager) so that they spend more time on yours. Here's how:

1. Typos and Grammar Errors

Why It Matters: Even a single typo can be a deal-breaker, especially when you describe yourself as "detail-oriented." Errors undermine your professionalism and attention to detail.

How to Fix It:

- Proofread meticulously.

- Use tools like Grammarly to catch mistakes.

- Ask a friend or mentor to review your resume.

2. Too Long or Too Short

Why It Matters: A resume that is too long can be overwhelming, while one that is too short may lack necessary details. Striking the right balance is crucial.

How to Fix It:

- Aim for 1 full page. Two pages can be acceptable, but that is the absolute max.

- Highlight relevant experience and achievements concisely.

- Quantify achievements whenever possible (e.g., “Increased sales by 30%”).

3. Poor Formatting

Why It Matters: A clean, professional layout makes your resume easier to read and more appealing to hiring managers. Poor formatting can make your resume look cluttered and unprofessional.

How to Fix It:

- Use consistent fonts, bullet points, and clear headings.

- Keep it clean and professional.

- What do I do with every single resume that passes my desk? I zoom waaaaaay out to take a glance at the overall structure. If it's a disaster, it goes in the bin.

Final Thoughts

Fix these mistakes, and it can help you to stand out in the job market!

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Founder & CEO of twrk. Proud human to multiple rescue animals.

From Frustration to Founder: My Journey to Rediscovering Purpose and Passion


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