How to appear in video interviews

In today’s digital age, video interviews have become an integral part of the job application process. For job seekers, presenting oneself appropriately on screen is just as important as it would be in an in-person interview.

We’ve heard of numerous nightmare video interviews from employers. In one instance, an interviewee appeared in a half-buttoned shirt and used his hands to continuously close the top of it throughout the interview. It was distracting. It was unprofessional. The guy didn’t get the job.

Here's why dressing and grooming appropriately for video interviews is essential and how it can significantly impact your chances of landing the job.

1. First Impressions Matter

First impressions are formed within seconds and are crucial during an interview. When you appear on screen, your attire and grooming are the first things the interviewer notices. A polished appearance conveys professionalism, attention to detail, and respect for the interview process. It sets a positive tone and can make you feel more confident and comfortable. More than anything, you’re not starting off with a negative impression when you are dressed the part.

2. Demonstrating Professionalism

Your appearance during a video interview reflects your professionalism and readiness for the job. Dressing appropriately shows that you take the opportunity seriously and are prepared to meet the company’s standards. This professionalism can make a strong impression on the interviewer and set you apart from other candidates.

3. Enhancing Credibility and Confidence

Dressing appropriately not only boosts your credibility but also your confidence. When you look the part, you feel the part. This confidence can shine through in your answers and overall demeanor during the interview, making you appear more competent and self-assured.

4. Reducing Distractions

The focus of the interview should be on your skills, experiences, and qualifications, not on what you are wearing. An appropriate outfit ensures that the interviewer’s attention remains on your responses and not on any distractions caused by overly casual or inappropriate attire.

5. Reflecting Company Culture

Researching the company culture and aligning your appearance accordingly shows that you’ve done your homework and are serious about fitting in with the team. If the company has a formal dress code, a suit or dress shirt may be appropriate. If the culture is more relaxed, business casual may be acceptable. So, it’s a good idea to check out photos from the employer’s website and social accounts for guidance.

Interview Attire Tips & and a brief guide to Grooming for Video Interviews

1. Choose Professional Attire: Wear clothing that matches the company’s dress code. A business suit, dress shirt, or blouse is typically appropriate for most professional roles.

2. Pay Attention to Grooming: Ensure your hair is neatly styled, and facial hair is well-groomed. For those who wear makeup, a natural, polished look is best.

3. Consider Your Background: Make sure your background is tidy and professional. A clutter-free, neutral setting helps maintain focus on the interview.

4. Check Your Lighting: Good lighting can enhance your appearance on camera. Natural light or a well-placed lamp can make a big difference. You don’t need anything expensive; there are inexpensive and effective small ring lights that go a long way.

5. Test Your Equipment: Ensure your camera, microphone, and internet connection are working correctly to avoid technical issues.


As a job seeker, your appearance in a video interview is crucial. It probably took you a long time searching for a job, so it makes sense to nail this basic aspect of the interview. By dressing and grooming appropriately, you not only create a positive impression but also set yourself up for a successful interview. Remember: the way you present yourself reflects your professionalism and your understanding of the company’s culture and standards.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you are putting your best foot forward in every video interview, significantly improving your chances of landing the job.

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